Author: Just Tech Blog

What is Human Resource Management? Human Resource Management (HRM) defines how companies plan, organize and manage the tasks and assets related to the people who make up the organization. As we will see below, human resources management is an area with increasing weight within the executive committees of companies, regardless of their size. This Management involves remuneration, talent management, and training in companies, selection, and international mobility of workers. It manages the work environment, performance evaluation, Management of organizational changes that affect staff, resolution of labor disputes. It has the implementation of personnel policies and many other functions, including the…

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About The term Google CAPTCHA is an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart.” It means Fully Automated Public Test of Turing to Differentiate Human Beings from Computers. Therefore, it is an inverse Turing test, in which humans have to demonstrate with this technology that they are humans and not machines. History of Google CAPTCHA In the 1990s, the Internet was in excessive chaos due to spam formed by several spam bots full of email inboxes and online media. But in 2000, a 22-year-old called Luis von Ahn invented a system to control all that automatic advertising.…

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What is a Prism? When passing through a prism, the dispersion of light is the product of the white light wave being composed of various wavelengths. When entering the medium, they experience different speeds, a product that each color that forms has a different wavelength—white light. We will consider only monochromatic light for the present analysis, which will have a refractive index characteristic of the prism. We have a first interaction, where the incident ray is θ 1 is the incident angle, δ 1is the angle of refraction. Prisms come in many sizes and shapes that serve many functions. A…

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What is Information Technology? Information technology is a procedure using combination of means and methods of data collection, processing, and transmission to obtain new quality info. It is about the state of an object, process, or phenomenon. The purpose of IT is the production of data for analysis by people and decision-making based on it to act. Information technology (IT) The introduction of a personal computer in information and telecommunications communication media has marked an arising stage in developing IT. Modern IT is an information technology with an “efficient” and “friendly” user interface that uses personal computers and telecommunications facilities.…

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What is a Case Study? A Case Study is a research tool and a learning technique that we can apply in any area of knowledge. The fundamental objective of case studies is to know and understand the particularity of a situation to distinguish how the parts work and the relationships with the whole. Case Study Objectives The objectives of a case study can classify into: Exploratory purposes: whose results we use to formulate a question to initiate an investigation. Descriptive goals: help to better describe and understand a particular case. Explanatory goals: they guide to facilitate the interpretation of the…

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PS4 and PS5 Controller The Best PlayStation Controller is trending as Sony isn’t afraid of change when it comes to the controllers. It ships alongside every iteration of its famous PlayStation consoles, from the original DualShock and its three sequels to the surprising new DualSense, the PS5 controller. However, consoles only come with one controller, aside from a few packages, so most people will soon find that they need a second platform to play co-op or play against their peers on the couch. That or you may have worn out your current controller or are in the mood for some…

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Latest Instagram filters for Stories? We will talk to you about Instagram filters that you can use in Instagram stories. Technically, there is only one type of filter for these stories, and they are already an unknown feature. But then we also have the effects, which could also be considered a type of filter. To avoid confusion and help you make the most of both concepts we will start with a simple introduction in which we explain the differences between filters and effects Then we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to use both. You will see that…

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YouTube channel –  The first thing you need to do is create a YouTube channel to upload a video. Thus, you only need a Google account to create a YouTube channel. If you have a Gmail email, you already have a Google account; if not, you can also learn how to create a new Google account here easily. Create your own YouTube channel The first step is obviously to open the YouTube website. In it, click on your profile picture in the upper right corner. Log in also do so after opening this same menu. Now comes the tricky part. Although…

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